the galactian alignment system

a quick guide for my fellow tired genderqueers

the galactian alignment system is a gender alignment system for anyone under the nonbinary umbrella. it was created so that one's gender alignment can be described without using terms like "masculine" or "feminine." all of the terms are derived from outer space, because space is genderless.

the three core alignments are lunarian, solarian, and stellarian. they represent being woman/feminine aligned, man/masculine aligned, and unaligned*, respectively. every other term in the system is derived from these core three.

*see the sources at the end of the carrd for a more complex definition of stellarian

three more important alignments are spacialian, singularian, and aurorian. they represent being xenogender/xeno-aligned, rejecting all alignments and binaries, and being fluid between alignments, respectively.spacialian functions like the core three, but it was added to the system later.singularian cannot be combined with any other alignments, as it is not technically a galactian alignment; it is an anomaly that exists on a different plane.

the four main alignments (lunarian, solarian, stellarian, and spacialian) can be combined in every imaginable way, and demi versions of each alignment can exist as well.

for example:

eclipsian or sollunarian; connection to both solarian and lunarian

duskian or demi-lunarian; a partial connection to lunarian and a partial connection to something else

for example:

solstian or demi-solstellarian; partial connection to solarian, partial connection to stellarian, and partial connection to something else

penumbrian; connection to lunarian, stellarian, and spacialian

that just about covers it!i made a document listing every alignment that i am aware of, with each defined to the best of my ability, in case you want to learn more.i also made a questionnaire to help anyone who is overwhelmed or confused with narrowing down which galactian alignment might describe them best!you can find me @gumbiedots on most platforms and i post pride wallpapers @libbyscribbles on tumblr.thanks for reading and have a galactic day!(click the arrow to see the sources i used for this carrd)

Sources of Terms and Flags

Original Galactian System Tumblr PostOriginal Singularian Tumblr PostOriginal Galactian System Expansion Tumblr PostOriginal Spacialian Reddit PostPost-Spacialian Galactian System Update Tumblr PostPost-Spacialian Galactian System Summary Tumblr PostDuskian Flag on TumblrPenumbrian Flag on DeviantArtAlso, Here's a Tumblr Post That Discusses the Complexities of Defining 'Stellarian'